Jul 23, 2012

New CDC Report 81% Pertussis Cases Involved Fully Vaccinated Kids!

$5 Gift Card You Vs. Flu
 I reported on the Washington State Whooping Cough Outbreak involved 74% fully vaccinated kids and thought those were staggering numbers. I made a video a year ago on the Mandatory DTap Vaccine campaign that swept across California like a tsunami of disinformation called "No Shot No School". It appeared in every Target, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-marts and Wal-Greens that had a pharmacy in some of the stores they offered reward points for getting a Flu Vaccine as pictured above You vs Flu $5 gift card. I can't help but wonder if these vaccine are the actual cause of the outbreaks? Remember the only solution ever offered by mainstream media is for everyone to get vaccinated. I have vaccine exemption forms  available on my website listed by State free of charge.
Mike Adams from Natural News reports:
 81% of 2010 California pertussis cases under the age of 18 were fully vaccinated children. In a pertussis outbreak in Texas, the CDC statistics show that 81.5 percent of cases were fully vaccinated with four DTaP shots. Washington State health officials are saying this year's pertussis cases could top a 60 year old record in spite of approximately 84 percent vaccination coverage. Reuters recently reported that according to the CDC, the number of pertussis cases is growing - in the fully vaccinated population!

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