Sep 6, 2012

DARPA’s Genetically Modified Soldiers

GMO Soldiers
Genetically Modified Soldiers
 Via: Presstv
US super soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhumans capable of superhuman feats
The "super soldier" research that DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is working on right now is unlike anything we have ever seen before. If DARPA is successful, and if the American people don't object, the soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhumans capable of superhuman feats. Do you want a soldier that can run faster than Usain Bolt? DARPA is working on that. Do you want a soldier that won't need food or sleep for days? DARPA is working on that? Do you want a soldier that can regrow lost limbs? DARPA is working on that. Do you want a soldier that can out lift Olympic weightlifters and that can communicate telepathically?
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