Oct 29, 2012

36 Children Sick After DPT Vaccination: Nurse Blamed?

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Via: Timesofindia
 Initial findings in the case of 36 children who fell ill after DPT vaccination indicated that the auxilliary nurse & midwife (ANM), who was doing the vaccination work in Sirohi, was 'ignorant' of the job.
 The affected children were administered DPT vaccines on Saturday after that they had developed fever and the spot on the leg where they were given injection turned reddish. A day after the incident, a medical team met all the children on Sunday to find out their condition. Child health officer, Sirohi, Dr Dinesh Sharma, who is investigating into the issue said: "We went to the houses of all the children who fell ill. All the children are fine now. They would remain under observation for three days."
 Sharma said that it would take a couple of days to complete the investigation. "Initially we found that the ANM had administrated the DPT injection on the interior part of the leg though it should have been on the outer part of the leg," he said.
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