Oct 24, 2012

California Mandates Vaccination Awareness Classes Before Getting Exemptions

Get Exemption Forms
 A bunch of BS parents of unvaccinated kids are far more educated on the subject then the typical fully vaccinated indoctrinated american citizen.
Via: AMA
 Californians who want to secure vaccine exemptions for their children must provide proof that they have received “information regarding the benefits and risks of the immunization and the health risks of specified communicable diseases,” according to a bill Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law Sept. 30.
 The measure, proposed by Sacramento pediatrician Rep. Richard Pan, MD, MPH, says the form attesting that parents have been informed about the risks and benefits of vaccination must be signed by a “health care practitioner.” That is defined in the law as a medical doctor, osteopathic doctor or credentialed school nurse, or a nurse practitioner, physician assistant or naturopath with legal prescribing authority. The law takes effect in January 2014.
Vaccine Exemption Forms

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