Oct 14, 2012

HALO Corporation Security Firm Hold Zombie Drill In San Diego

Real Zombie Drill In San Diego
Via: Militarytimes
 Forget the H1N1 pandemic. Could a future crisis arise from an outbreak of viruses that destroy brain cells and render people violently catatonic, like zombies? The far-fetched scenario of a government grappling a zombie like threat — think movies like “Night of the Living Dead” or, more comically, “Zombieland” — has captured the attention and imagination of Brad Barker, president of the security firm HALO Corp.
CDC Zombie Preparedness Guide


  1. Why is everybody always talking about zombies? I just don't get it- are they trying to just scare the heck out of everybody so that they will have something really bad, a really good reason to round up people into those FEMA camps? Is that what its all about?

    1. Could be because there are many different scenarios that are currently possible because of biotechnology. Off the top of my head, I could throw out one (not saying that this is actually being done, but just a possibility). Think of mad-cow disease, it's caused by cannibalization (caused by what was mixed in with their feed). The human version is CJD and other prion diseases caused by cannibalization. Now, we know biotech companies are already mixing different species into our food (ie: pig genes into oranges or what have you). What would happen if somebody happened to mix human genes into our foods? Food for thought.

  2. First of all Zombies already exist, the walking dead, this is just another word or interpretation, of what already exists, In other words people walking around every day, living their lives without knowing when their last day will be as they go around infecting others on contact, a virus so evil having no remorse or preference on age, or gender, This Virus will disable its carrier, and kill the host without a cure, this VIRUS is called the HIV - AID's epidemic, so think again people..Zombies already exist you've been warned!
