Oct 13, 2012

Meningitis Outbreak A Criminal Probe Is Demanded

Manufacturing Meningitis
Via: Reuters
 As many as 14,000 people - more than previously thought - received possibly tainted steroid injections tied to a deadly U.S. meningitis outbreak and patients should watch for symptoms for several months, health officials said on Thursday.
 The officials said the company at the center of the outbreak, the Massachusetts New England Compounding Center, appeared to have violated its license by producing large quantities of drugs rather than prescriptions for individual patients, as calls grew for a criminal probe.
 "This organization chose to apparently violate the licensing requirements under which they were allowed to operate," said Dr. Madeleine Biondolillo, director of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health's Bureau of Health Care Safety and Quality. NECC officials were not immediately available for comment.
Vaccine Exemption Forms

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