Dec 27, 2012

160,000 Flu Shots Recalled Linked to Alzheimer's

160,000 Flu Shots Recalled Linked to Alzheimer's The vaccine manufacturing company Novartis has recently made the news this time with the recall of 160,000 dosages of the Aggripal influenza flu vaccination in both the United Kingdom and Italy. The recall was due to ‘particles seen floating in the vials’ the particles were later determined to be protein aggregates. When researching protein aggregates we soon find that they are not only dangers misfolded proteins but they are also toxic and linked to amyloidal diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Pion’s. These 160,000 doses of Aggripal were so saturated with protein aggregates that they were visible to the naked eye as floating particulate matter. These toxic injections are referred to as ‘hot batches’ meaning they are concentrated dosages of viral components that have clumped together in a bolus of immune system shocking protein aggregates. Read the rest...

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