Sep 29, 2012

Self Manned Office Drones Will Monitor Employees: The Avatar Boss?

 If you have $16,000 lying around and I hankering to virtually cruise the halls of some distant office, Suitable Technologies has something suitable that it has just debuted. The company has new telepresence robot called the Beam Remote Presence System or Beam RPS.The robot requires three components, the robotic device itself, the client software, and the Beam Docking Station. The docking station is where the remote user parks the robot to recharge. The bot stands 62-inches tall and weighs 95 pounds. It has a 17-inch screen that shows the operator’s life-sized face to be displayed – assuming your head will fit on a 17-inch screen.
Avatar Boss?

Sep 28, 2012

U.N. Admits Biological Research Always Ends In Weapons Application

Research leads to Weaponization
Via: BBC
 The United Nations says great efforts need to be taken to prevent cases of biological terrorism.
A UN official delivered the warning at the BioDesign Forum on synthetic biology being held in the UK.
Piers Millet from the UN's Biological Weapons Convention said there was no global organisation to ensure biotech was not used for "nefarious" purposes. But international bodies did exist to watch out for nuclear and chemical weapons, he told the Cambridge meeting. "If you look at the history of the last century we see a very clear trend - every time we make a major step forward in our understanding of biology, we find a weapons application for it," he said.
Eugenics & BioWeapons

Britain's military drones spending tops $3 Billion!

Developing Drones
Via: GuardianUK
 The UK has spent more than £2bn on buying and developing military drones over the past five years and is poised to commit an extra £2bn for another new unmanned aircraft, according to a report. The figures show how the Ministry of Defence has poured money into buying and researching a variety of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) as armed forces chiefs recognise their potential value in modern warfare.
The Robot Wars

DARPA Developing Clothing That Will Track You With GPS Fabric

Your Clothes Will Track You
This sounds like a way of turning clothing into a tracking device by intergrating fabric and electronics. Small sensors in the fabric will detect movement expect this to be standard in clothing sold to the public in the next decade all for security reasons. No more waiting for the New World Order it is here the live we sleep!
Via: Nextbigfuture
 Techniques to keep people and equipment on target. That is why the Military relies on GPS or, when GPS is unavailable, precise sensors for navigation. These sensors, such as gyroscopes that measure orientation, are bulky and expensive to fabricate. For example, a single gyroscope designed as an inertial sensor accurate enough for a precision missile can take up to 1 month to be hand assembled and cost up to $1 million. DARPA has made progress in developing less expensive fabrication methods for inertial sensors and is making them orders of magnitude smaller and less expensive.

Sep 26, 2012

Vaccine to Prevent Premature Birth?

Premature Birth Vaccine?

 Pregnant women only started being vaccinated beginning in 2008 before that it was not recommended by doctors due to the overwhelming number of miscarriage it provoked. Today they jab expecting mothers with all kinds of needless vaccines that only damage the immune system of both mother and fetus. The system of madness has now moved into the owellian state of offering a vaccine to prevent premature births. Crazyness!
Via: HealthDayNews
 New research suggests it might someday be possible to create a vaccine that could protect a growing fetus from premature birth and related complications. The problem: Because fetal tissue contains material inherited from both the mother and the father, it raises the risk that the mother's immune system may sometimes recognize the fetus as a foreign invader that must be rejected. The result: premature birth, the study authors contend.
Vaccine Exemption Forms

EPA Sued Over Heinous Experiments on Humans

Environmental Pollution Agency

After accumulating evidence via the Freedom of Information Act that showed the Environmental Protection Agency conducted disturbing experiments that exposed humans to inhalable particulates the agency has said are deadly, sound science advocate Steven Milloy has sued the federal government.

 The trials, which were carried out at EPA’s Human Studies Facility at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, exposed subjects to fine particulate matter (called “PM2.5”) at extremely elevated levels for up to two hours at a time. EPA’s Web site on particulate matter and its 2009 “Summary of PM2.5 Risk Estimates,” stated, “an examination of cause-specific risk estimates found that PM2.5 risk estimates for cardiovascular deaths are similar to those for all-cause deaths….” Also, in July 2011 EPA stated in the Federal Register announcement of its Cross-State Air Pollution Rule that “a recent EPA analysis estimated that 2005 levels of PM2.5 and ozone were responsible for between 130,000 and 320,000 PM2.5-related and 4,700 ozone-related premature deaths….”

Sep 25, 2012

Media Hype SARS Flu Season Is Here!

Fear is the Product 
 The media hype machine is at it again getting the public ready for the launch of their annual "get your flu shot campaign" this one is no different from the rest relying mainly on fear to push their products.
Via: NHS UKNews
 A new “SARS-like” virus has been detected in the UK, according to widespread media reports. The headlines are based on press releases from the UK’s Health Protection Agency (HPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) is a serious and potentially life-threatening viral infection that mostly affects the lungs. SARS is caused by a family of viruses known as coronaviruses. These types of virus can vary widely in their severity. Some types of coronaviruses can just trigger the symptoms of a common cold. Others can be life threatening.
Vaccine Exemption Forms

A Vaccine For Weight Loss?

anti fat vaccine
Obesity Vaccine
 Instead of giving people sound advice about their dietary intake the new world orders big pharma mouth pieces have decided to create a vaccine to help with weight loss. This is yet another attempt to blend the lines between vaccines and medicine hoping to make the two words interchangeable as a course of treatment.
Via: TheHeart
Researchers gave a vaccine containing purified chimeric somatostatin protein to obese mice on high-fat diets on day 1, followed by a smaller dose on day 22, and compared six-week outcomes with a control group. "While the control mice continued to gain weight, vaccinated mice lost up to 20% of their body weight within the first week and maintained the weight loss over the three-week period. We gave them two vaccinations, and each vaccination caused weight loss."
Vaccine Exemption Forms

Swine Flu Virus Mutated to Two New Strains in South Korean Test

Vaccine Cause Mutations
Via: latinospost
"We scanned the database to look whether or not this particular mutation is showing up in swine influenza viruses or viruses transmitted from pigs to people and we don't find that mutation in nature," chief flu researcher Nancy Cox of the CDC to NPR's Shots. According to ABC Rural, Influenza scientist Ian Barr said its still unknown as to how the new strains (H1N2 and H3N2) can affect humans.
Chicken Vaccine Mutates Virus Creates Super Strain
Vaccine Exemption Forms

Sep 24, 2012

Giant Insect Like Robot Soviet Steel Hexapod Walker

Imagine changing the application of this technology into something a little more sinister like say hunting rogue humans in the woods after the fall of America. Robotic technology is exploding and with remote control vehicles being used by the military it is only a matter of time before the robot war becomes a reality.
DARPA's Military Robot Army

DARPA Connect Soldiers Brains To 120-megapixel Camera

DARPA cybernetic
Cybernetic Hivemind
Via: Extremetech
After more than four years of research, DARPA has created a system that successfully combines soldiers, EEG brainwave scanners, 120-megapixel cameras, and multiple computers running cognitive visual processing algorithms into a cybernetic hivemind. Called the Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System (CT2WS), it will be used in a combat setting to significantly improve the US Army’s threat detection capabilities.

Robotic tuna fish to sniff out homeland threats - FutureTech on

Via: NBCnews
Would-be terrorists hoping to sneak weapons and other contraband through U.S. ports on and in the hulls of ships may be thwarted by a robotic tuna fish under development for the government.

 The BIOSwimmer robofish is able to overcome so-called position-keeping problems experienced by traditional underwater robots that are powered by vertical and horizontal thrusters, according to the David Taylor, program manager for the robot at the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate.

Robot Drones with Shotguns