Jan 14, 2013

40% of Missouri Hospitals Will Fire Workers who Refuse Flu Shots

Via: Ozarksfirst
Worried about catching the flu if you visit a loved one in the hospital?  A new survey of Missouri hospitals may ease that fear. A survey done by the Missouri Hospital Association shows more than 50 percent of hospitals reported that 95 to 100 percent of their employees were vaccinated against seasonal influenza. Only 12 percent had a vaccination rate of less than 70 percent. That same survey says more than 85 percent of hospitals in Missouri have vacinnation polices and 97 percent have that policy in place for all employees, not just those with direct patient contact. Nearly 80 percent of them have mandatory policies. And of hospitals with a mandatory vaccination policy, nearly 40 percent say employees can be fired for refusing to comply.
Vaccine Exemption Forms

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