Mar 26, 2013

Vermont Vaccination Bill Seeks to Remove Philosophical Exemption Forms

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — A Vermont bill that removes a philosophical exemption for parents who want to skip the requirement that their children get a series of vaccinations before being allowed to attend school is back before legislators. The bill is designed to deal with a state whooping cough outbreak. The Shumlin administration says it won't support the bill.
 Vermont Public Radio reports ( Health Commissioner Harry Chen says his department can make solid progress on the issue without engaging in another legislative battle. Last year, the exemption removal from the state's mandatory childhood immunization law was one of the most contentious debates of the session. Rep. George Till has introduced a similar bill that would remove philosophical and religious exemptions for pertussis vaccinations. He points to last year's outbreak of 645 pertussis cases.
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