Nov 7, 2012

Court Finds Sterilization of Americans Conducted From 1929-1974

Sterilization Victims Foundation
Via: wschronicle
 More victims of the state’s former Eugenics Board Program have come forward, including five in Forsyth County.According to the latest numbers from the N.C. Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation, 186 individuals in 61 counties have been confirmed.  One hundred and sixty-eight of them are living victims.
 The N.C. Eugenics Board implemented a program of involuntary sterilization that took place in all 100 counties between 1929 and 1974. By the end of the program, nearly 7,600 documented people were sterilized. The poor and those with intellectual disabilities were most often targeted by the program. Finding victims is important, because Gov. Bev Perdue had set aside funds in the current budget to compensate victims, but the GOP-controlled General Assembly quashed that plan. There is still hope of compensating survivors and/or families in the next budget year.
Eugenics Population Control

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