Nov 7, 2012

EMTs Refusing to get Flu Vaccinations

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Via: UPI
 Patients are regularly advised to get an annual flu vaccine, but 25 percent of St. Louis' emergency medical technicians do not get vaccinated, researchers say. Sixty percent of EMTs who did not get vaccinated said they do not trust the public health authorities when they say the influenza vaccine is safe, and about a third said that flu vaccine has a lot of side effects and reported being afraid of them. More than half in this unvaccinated group also said they do not believe they can play a role in transmitting influenza to their patients if they are not vaccinated.
 "It's a concern that so many EMTs who are educated in healthcare do not believe that the public health message regarding influenza vaccine safety and efficacy is reliable," study co-investigator Kate Wright, an associate professor and director of Heartland Centers at Saint Louis University, said in a statement. In addition, 25 percent of the 265 St. Louis EMTs said they do not believe that influenza is a serious disease that can cause death.
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